Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Yakabuski, thank you for coming today. I read your brief closely. I believe Mr. Bundus is the one who wrote it. I'm sure your employer is very pleased with what it contains. Let's begin with your first point, dealing with the work product.
Page 4 of your brief states:
“Work product” is not personal information because it does not relate to an identifiable individual; instead, it is proprietary business information that belongs to the organization. For example, an insurance company's strategy on handling a specific claim is not personal information as it is not information about an identifiable individual; [...]
You meet with the witness in order to take this statement, and then you meet with the client or the individual who has been wronged and you tell that individual that a witness has made certain statements. However, that does not count as information about an identifiable individual because it is simply a witness' statement. Therefore you can say anything to the insured, including that you have overwhelming evidence against them but you are not in a position to disclose your source of information.
You are the one who decides, because this is information that will influence how the insurer deals with the claim. Whether the case goes before the courts or not, you are under no obligation to disclose your sources. However, if the case does go before the courts, then you are obliged to disclose your sources. That's my first point.
Second, in the same document, on the next page, you go even further. You talk about the insured's medical files. Let's say, for example, that the claimant has an accident and you decide to go looking in their medical files in order to find out whether or not there had ever been anything physically wrong with that individual in the past. This is what your document states:
“An individual prescription, though potentially revealing about a patient, is not in any meaningful sense about the prescribing physician as an individual. Rather, it is about the professional process that led to its issuance and should be regarded as a work product—that is, the tangible result of the physician work activity.”
If I have understood correctly, this means that you can meet with the physician and request a list of all the prescriptions that the client has ever been given, and that this list will not be considered as personal information because the physician provided it during the course of the physician's work activity.
Let's go little further. You refer frequently to British Columbia and Alberta; there are not many references to Quebec in your brief. This is what it says:
The effect of these provisions in the B.C. PIPA is that “work product” information is not accessible by an individual. We agree with this sensible and reasonable approach.
Except medical information, if I understand correctly! I would like to hear further explanations on your brief's proposal. It states:
A definition of “work product”, which includes the work documents of an employee or business person that were generated in the course of the employee's or business person's work, [...]