Thank you.
I agree with you. I think that when you have an omnibus statute like this that purports to deal with a single-person enterprise in an insurance company--because it does apply to all commercial enterprise--I think it's very challenging, if not impossible, to have it work effectively.
You know, this is a statement of principles. It was intended to bring attention to the fact that information was being distributed electronically with absolutely no controls. So it introduced this recognition of ownership and interest in private information.
It may be more appropriate to leave this statute as a statement of principle and look to specific statutes, such as those that regulate our sectors--the Bank Act, the Insurance Companies Act--where you have government officials who are very expert in the particular issues and where it is very complex. And it may be more appropriate to delegate these sorts of issues, in detail, to those sectors. It's good business, and I think it is being done in various sectors.