No, I'm going to read this thing. And it would then follow after “report”:
And that the witnesses' statements be taken in camera and that their statements remain confidential until the report is released.
And I've added to that, but I think that that's something we can talk about:
And that the committee has opportunity to examine the study before witness statements are released.
I say that in the spirit of cooperation.... Mr. Martin loves to champion his cause and get on his soapbox and talk about the fact that we are not allowing any secrecy. The very fact that we're debating this in the open is somewhat questionable. In light of that, and if they really want cooperation and if they feel that this is something that needs to be done, we agree, but if they would look at our legitimate concerns...and I believe we have legitimate concerns, I'm absolutely convinced and I know our side does, and I even believe that there are those opposite who would agree with that.