Every day, members of our staff receive some 20 calls from people who set out their individual situation and ask us to help them define it. We do provide answers, but we have to be cautious. On the whole, our approach is to explain the content of the legislation, as well as the requirements in the regulations, without necessarily issuing an opinion on their individual situations.
The Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists is a quasi-judicial organization. Let's say that we tell a lobbyist he or she can go ahead without having to register, and a few months later, we have to investigate that case. To avoid that kind of situation, we spend a great deal of time explaining the legislative requirements to people, so that they can see whether they are lobbyists or not within the meaning of the legislation. In the end, the decision is up to the individual. Where things are unclear, people can seek advice, or ask a legal advisor to provide some clarification.
We also need to consider the fact that we are guided by the spirit of the legislation. The system is based on self-declaration, somewhat like the Income Tax Act. A declaration, or statement is made, and all parties certify it. We consider a statement true until such time is there is evidence to the contrary. The only means we have to determine whether a statement is indeed true is to conduct an investigation pursuant to the powers at our disposal. Since lobbyists are themselves responsible for self-declaring, when potential lobbyists ask us for advice as to whether or not they should register, we make no decisions. However, we do explain the situation as clearly as possible.