I would say that right now we're running on time. We passed the peak of renewals about a month ago.
Mr. Nelson mentioned that renewals tended to peak because they were all synchronized when the modified act came into force. That is slowly changing over time. They're being dispersed over time.
Also, with the new rules, people did not always register as required under the act. When people do that we have to go back and ensure completeness. That increases the time. They then have another 30 days to come back with final answers. It's not necessarily a question of the office being late. There is a learning curve here on the part of lobbyists. I'd say overall we're doing much better than last June, which is encouraging.
That being said, if you will allow me, going back to the presentation, for each category of lobbyist, the delay, the time to register, is not the same. For consultant lobbyists it's only ten days, but for a lobbyist who works for a non-profit organization, they have 60 days to register. This is how the legislator has set it, to recognize the various situations. There may sometimes be an impression that an in-house lobbyist is late registering, but it's just that the act allows for a different period for registration, depending on the category.