The purpose of the lobbyists code of conduct is to assure the Canadian public that, as we've talked about, lobbying is done ethically and with the highest of standards, with a view to conserving and enhancing public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of government decision-making.
As Michael mentioned, the code came into force in 1997 and complements the registration requirements of the act. It is developed and enforced by the registrar. The code establishes the mandatory conduct for all the lobbyists communicating with federal public office holders. The principles of the code set out in positive terms the goals and objectives to be obtained without establishing precise standards.
The rules, on the other hand, set out specific obligations and requirements. As you can see from the slide, there are three categories. Under the rule of transparency--and we've been talking about that a little bit this afternoon--there's an obligation on the lobbyist to provide accurate information to the public office holder, to disclose the identity of the person or organization on whose behalf the representation is being made, as well as the purpose of the representation.
They must also disclose to their clients, employers, or organizations their requirements under the Lobbyists Registration Act and under the code itself. Under the rule of confidentiality, lobbyists can neither divulge information nor use insider information to the disadvantage of their clients, their employers, or their organizations.
And finally, under the rule of conflict of interest, lobbyists are not to use improper influence nor to represent conflicting or competing interests without the consent of their clients.
There are two series of penalties under the act. The first relates to breaches of registration and disclosure requirements, and we've been talking about that again this afternoon in terms of disclosing complete and timely information or false declarations. If the registrar concludes that there are sufficient grounds within the two-year period, the registrar would refer the file to the RCMP.
The second relates to breaches of the code of conduct dealing, as I've just mentioned, with integrity, honesty, openness, and professionalism. There are no fines or jail terms for breaches of the code. However, the results of investigations must be concluded by the registrar and must be tabled before both houses of Parliament. Investigations as per section 10.4 of the act are to be conducted in private. Once the registrar concludes the investigation, that's when the results would be put into a report and tabled. As Michael mentioned, there are currently ten investigations under way.
The Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists provides the registrar with the authority to issue the advisory and interpretation bulletins. While they're not legally binding, they do indicate how the registrar intends to enforce the act. What's interesting is that we've all been using the 20% this afternoon. The 20% is not in the act but is rather in an interpretation bulletin and has been gradually accepted over time by the lobbying community as the customary definition of significant part of duties.
There are no specific requirements to issue x number of bulletins in a year, but as the registrar determines that there is a need, either from the number of questions we're receiving in the office or because of clarification issues, we will issue bulletins to address those sections of the act.
The registrar must submit a report for both the LRA and the code within three months of the end of the fiscal year to the President of the Treasury Board, who must then table them in both houses on any of the first fifteen days in which the House is sitting. The contents of the report vary each year but generally contain the same sorts of items, such as a message from the registrar, a description of the activities related to the act and the code respectively, statistics, and a summary of the enforcement activity.