I am moving my motion. I just thought I'd make that comment in light of the comment you made a moment ago.
Yes, Mr. Chair, there's little doubt that a review of the Privacy Act is desperately long overdue. The Privacy Act hasn't been significantly revised since before the dawn of computers, and certainly well before the explosion of the Internet. The Privacy Commissioner indicated to this committee at our last meeting the urgency with which we need to address these issues. There have been a number of high-profile issues such as identity theft, no-fly lists, the sharing of data across the border, and RFID technologies, just to name a few of the challenges we're facing to personal privacy.
I therefore move my motion asking that this committee examine these issues. We've looked at the private sector with PIPEDA, but we have not looked at the public sector Privacy Act in quite some time. There's an urgent nature for us to investigate these matters. I hope all members will support this motion to investigate the Privacy Act in light of the implications this has for our constituents. People are calling our constituency offices complaining about identity theft and access to flights. We're looking at technology that would track the motion of consumers in shopping malls and throughout communities. These are all very concerning to constituents because their privacy is at stake. There's an urgent nature to this. The technology is moving so quickly that if we don't get our hands on it, it's going to get completely out of control.
So I would ask all members to support this motion to address the Privacy Act.