I suppose you could say I blow hot and cold on the Criminal Code as well, even though I believe the Criminal Code works fairly well in Canada. I believe we have a wonderful criminal justice system in this country. I believe there are lots of rights, a lot of protections, and a lot of constitutional guarantees, but you probably notice I'm involved all the time with making changes to the Criminal Code. I'd never want anybody to take that to say that Nicholson thinks the criminal justice system doesn't work in this country, or that it's a bad system or anything like that. Quite the contrary. Any time I talk about the criminal justice system in this country and its rights, I always say Canada is at the top. We do an excellent job.
Does that mean I won't be bringing in more legislation to change the Criminal Code? I promise you I will be making changes. Again, I'm not announcing anything. I would be very pleased to get the ones I have before Parliament through right now.
When people talk to me about the Privacy Act, I say have a look around the world and check out what the rest of the world is doing. Anybody who says others have a better regime for protecting privacy...that has to be a very short list. That doesn't mean that we cannot...indeed, we should continue to look at these pieces of legislation with a view to changing them, because that's how we do stay up to date, that's how we do stay at the top of any particular list that analyzes these issues. Again, without committing to amendments to this, because as I said to you, some of these don't need amendments to the act, some of them I think can be accomplished, and I gave an example to Mr. Martin.
Again, you go about your work and I'll be very interested to hear what you have to say.