There is a letter. The date is okay. You have the file with the letters I have sent to Mr. Harper. I unfortunately don't have it. So if you could just open it--or is it in my affidavit? Hang on.
The letter reads:
Dear Prime Minister:
Today I take the liberty to send you copies of my letter January 23, 2007 to The Hon. Robert D. Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General and my letter January 24, 2006 to The Hon. Stockwell B. Day, Minister of Public Safety for your information.
The news from today proves again who controls the department of Justice and confirms my concerns. The inescapable conclusion is that your political enemies are undermining your government's intention to clean up how the nation is governed.
I don't think that you are interested in my advice but I can tell you that I have spent at least 45 years of my life with international Conservative Politics and tried to support Conservative causes where-ever support was needed. This is the main reason of my troubles, since no good deed goes unpunished.
I was a close witness to the painful decline of the Conservative Government of Brian Mulroney and I'm a pretty good observer with an impressive memory.
I learnt that the formula: “Wash me but don't make me wet” will not work!
Dear Prime Minister, in my opinion you need the strong and permanent--