No. But in fairness, this is to say that it can be proven easily by Revenue Canada that for all the work GCI did during eight years for Thyssen as a lobbyist, they never sent a bill to Germany, with the exception of one for some disbursements.
In other words, it was all based on success. This agreement that was finally reached and signed with the Government of Nova Scotia, and as well in Ottawa here with the department of defence, and others, like ACOA--all this was part of, what can I say, an inquiry from the German department of revenue when they audited the books from Thyssen. In the files somewhere are the documents from the meeting where it very clearly says Mr. Schreiber had an agreement with Thyssen to establish this company in Canada with the help of others. It is this understanding that one of the shareholders involved in this whole thing through IAL is Mr. Frank Moores, who was going to disburse the money in Canada. Its publicly known by the German authorities. There was nothing to hide on my side.