Mr. Doucet asked me to make sure that from the GCI money, money goes to the lawyer in Geneva for Mr. Mulroney.
You don't have the feeling from me that I can easily be shocked, but I was. I said, “What are you talking about? Why the hell would one send money to a lawyer in Geneva for Mr. Mulroney? What for?” And now came this unbelievable answer. He said, “For Airbus.” I hear myself even today asking, “What the hell has Mulroney to do with Airbus?” His answer was, “Are you naive?”
So I said, okay, I'll leave it this way, and I went to Frank Moores and said, “Frank, I want to know from you.... You know this is a deal between the European partners from Airbus and governments. What the hell is he talking about?” Frank Moores said to me, “Leave it with us. Don't talk about it. You have nothing to do with all this.”
You can imagine that I was pretty troubled, because I had several questions about that. Number one, is it true? I told you before I'm not saying this to impress you, but my life is at least to try to be objective, and I think I was a very good judge. I'm not just kicking people; I want to know what it is. So I asked myself, could it be, number one, that Mr. Mulroney has a lawyer there and a bank account in Switzerland? Number two, is it okay that Mr. Doucet would tell me to send money for him there, or...? And Ma'am, unfortunately this happens quite often, and I think this is a principle—I have seen this quite often around top leaders in politics, prime ministers or presidents—that people come and say something that is not true. My thought was, could it be that Fred Doucet wanted to make some money for himself?