Please pardon me for not speaking earlier, but I was thrown into the fray without any documentation. So, after hearing both you and the minister, I am really wondering about some things, just as all our fellow citizens are wondering. They are telling us that not a single minister within this government is allowed to make his own decisions, and that the Prime Minister is running the entire show. We know that ministers have assistants. People are wondering if the deputy ministers are telling the ministers what they should do or is it the other way around?
I wonder what happens when two proposals are tabled with the department. I sit on two other committees, and generally speaking, deputy ministers and assistant deputy ministers make recommendations to ministers. In this particular case, there appears to be a detailed proposal—which unfortunately I have not read—and Commissioner Marleau is tabling 12 recommendations that could be included in the main proposal.
As the deputy minister or an assistant deputy minister and advisor—after all, I suppose that you are lawyers with a great deal of experience—you should be able to provide advice to the minister. Has the minister asked for a study of the two recommendations? Has he perhaps asked the department to prepare a bill that would be tabled with the committee for review?