We agree entirely that this piece of legislation is critical. It's a critical tool for citizens to fully participate in the democracy we have. Our governments are accountable to the electorate at election time. This piece of legislation is a critical window into the operations of government, so that when it's time to cast their ballot, the citizens fully understand what it is that the government has been doing and is able to call the government to account on a regular basis between elections.
Our committee would have preferred to see a comprehensive review of the Access to Information Act, similar to what we called for with the Privacy Act. We were somewhat constrained by what appeared to be the parameters of the discussion here, which is to take a look at these quick fixes.
In this instance, I can only speak on my own behalf, rather than on behalf of the CBA. Do I expect that, with the implementation of all of these recommendations—the ones we support from the commissioner and the ones we have put forward—we will we have a spectacular improvement in the administration of this legislation and in the transparency and accountability of government? I do not expect it to the extent to which I think a significant number of people would like to see it go. These will make marked improvements but will not go to the core of the sentiments you were just repeating from other witnesses.