Okay. I'm very sorry. I will continue in English.
Barring a full revision of the Privacy Act, I've previously proposed that the government consider what we call quick fixes—this is a bit of a nickname, I guess—that might help address some of the more substantial shortcomings of the act. However, my view remains that a fully modernized Privacy Act would reinforce the pivotal importance of privacy rights and ensure that government institutions remain accountable and transparent with respect to the handling of personal information, and that my office can fulfill its mandate.
I'd like to go on and talk about the gap that's more and more inexplicable between our standards for public sector privacy and private sector privacy. I'm not suggesting, and I've not suggested over the time you have looked at this act, that the modernized Privacy Act should mirror PIPEDA in every respect. However, I do think it makes sense in this year of 2009 to align the Privacy Act with certain elements of PIPEDA. Expanding the definition of personal information to include non-recorded information, giving my office a clear public education mandate, and requiring ongoing five-year parliamentary reviews are examples of changes that would allow more uniform protection of privacy rights.
The proposal to broaden the grounds for an application for a court review is also meant to provide uniformity with respect to privacy rights. I should add that there's absolutely no discrepancy, in my mind, between providing complainants with the opportunity to apply for a court hearing following an investigation and providing me with a limited and specified discretion to refuse to entertain certain complaints.
Indeed, the Minister of Industry has recently proposed how I might exercise such discretion. Under Bill C-27, which creates a new electronic commerce protection act and amends PIPEDA, among other acts—it's an act introduced about three weeks ago—I would have the discretion to decline to investigate complaints or to discontinue complaints made under PIPEDA in certain specified circumstances. I could, for example, decline to investigate where there is a more appropriate alternative review procedure, more suited to deal with the complaint. As well, I would have discretion to discontinue a complaint in certain limited circumstances—for example, where the matter of a complaint has already been investigated by my office. Bill C-27 would still allow individuals to apply for a court review, even if my investigation has been discontinued, therefore protecting an individual citizen's right to recourse to the Federal Court. If this has been adopted in Bill C-27, I respectfully put to you there's no reason the same approach could not be adopted under a revised Privacy Act.
I've also asked that my office be provided with greater discretion to report publicly on the privacy management practices of government institutions. This recommendation is intended to allow my office to put information regarding audits and specific investigations on our website on a timely basis and as events occur.
As I mentioned a year ago, security safeguards under the Privacy Act also lag behind those in PIPEDA, and mandatory breach notification should be considered for the Privacy Act, as it is being considered for PIPEDA. There's no reason to deny Canadians a certain level of consistency with respect to their privacy rights, regardless of the organization or institution in question. Indeed, the principles of accountability and transparency beg a higher degree of protection for personal information in the hands of the government, especially considering the position of trust in which citizens stand vis-à-vis the overwhelming machinery of the state.
You have heard from some of the witnesses who have come before you in the last year that we don't need modernization of the Privacy Act because we have policies on that. I'd like to address that particular point.
Several of our proposed reforms of the Privacy Act include the necessity of enshrining into law current government policies related to privacy. I commend the Treasury Board Secretariat for putting into place a policy on privacy impact assessments, for providing guidance to departments on information sharing with foreign states and the outsourcing of personal data processing, and for improving reporting requirements of government departments under section 72 of the Privacy Act. Nevertheless, such practices need to be circumscribed by law as a matter of ensuring the government remains accountable and transparent with respect to its personal information handling practices.
Privacy audits, reviews, and investigations carried out by my office have unfortunately shown that institutions are not consistently meeting their commitments under government policies and that government standards provide little assurance or information to Canadians, or even to parliamentarians, seeking to understand the privacy implications of government services and programs.
Privacy impact assessments are instrumental in addressing privacy risks associated with government programs. For example, my office worked with the Canada Border Services Agency when the enhanced driver's licence was being piloted in British Columbia. As a result of concerns we raised about the custody and control of the information on Canadians travelling to the United States, the agency agreed to relocate the database containing personal information on travellers from the U.S. to Canada. We would see more of these successes if the requirement for privacy impact assessments were enshrined in law so that Canadians and parliamentarians alike could have an opportunity to voice concerns and receive assurances that privacy issues were being addressed.
The truth is that it is far easier to ignore a policy than a legislative requirement. Indeed, some departments are still collecting excessive personal information, even though Treasury Board policy includes a necessity requirement. In a recent audit of Elections Canada, for example, we found that it was receiving personal information on young people under the voting age that was clearly not needed for a voters' list.
Parliamentarians need to have better information about how federal departments and agencies are doing managing the personal information they have from each and every one of us. Leaving it to the vagaries of policy and the good will of public servants is simply not good enough.
I'd like to just remind this committee of some of the recent events that suggest that we do, in fact, need stronger privacy protections.
The lessons of the past few years teach us that stronger privacy protections are needed if privacy is to have any meaning at all in the face of contemporary challenges. A recent EKOS poll commissioned by my office showed that 60% of Canadians feel that their information is less protected than it was ten years ago, 71% of Canadians see the issue of having stronger privacy laws as a matter of high importance, and only about one in seven Canadians is confident that Canadian law enforcement and national security authorities respect the laws that protect Canadians' privacy. These numbers, to my mind, speak volumes about the profound attachment that Canadians have to their privacy rights.
The recent events surrounding the O'Connor inquiry and the Iacobucci inquiry shed light on the information-sharing practices of national security and law enforcement agencies and highlight the need to hold government institutions to a higher standard of privacy protection, information handling, and data protection. Given the enormous trust accorded to the government and its institutions in relation to law enforcement and national security and their global implications, we need a more precise legal framework around information sharing in an international context.
In conclusion, in 1982 Canada took a leading role when it became one of the first countries to adopt stand-alone privacy legislation that applied to its government; however, the inevitable impetus of change has gotten the best of the Privacy Act. It no longer reflects our modern conception of privacy and is out of tune with the realities of contemporary government.
The committee's review of the act is certainly timely. It is joining an international trend in modernizing privacy legislation to meet the realities of the 21st century. For example, the Australian Law Reform Commission has recognized that its own 20-year-old Privacy Act needs a host of refinements to help navigate the information superhighway. These refinements are currently under consideration by the Australian government.
Thank you very much for inviting me once again to this committee, Mr. Chairman, and I would be pleased to take any questions you may have.