Thank you.
We've looked at the percentages of respondents under our private sector legislation in the Greater Toronto Area and it's almost 65%, so on a really practical level, we think we should have some investigators and other staff on the ground in Toronto, and also to make connections with the stakeholder industry associations and, I guess, just to live and breathe the business, and understand the business in that area.
We also have an initiative going on in Saskatchewan where we have jurisdiction over businesses in that province. We're doing public education and compliance education in that province.
In British Columbia and Alberta, we have a lot of initiatives with our commissioner colleagues in those provinces because we share jurisdiction over the private sector. So we issue joint guidance to give more certainty to business and citizens in those provinces.
We also have a one-man band, as we call him, our outreach officer working in Atlantic Canada. He does a lot of public education and compliance education across the four Atlantic provinces.