I do not have specific information related to the campaign for the general workers.
What we did find with the apprenticeship campaign--raising awareness of both the apprenticeship incentive grant and of the new completion grant that was brought in under the economic action plan--was that fully one in five people who noticed the ad actually took action to sign up for it. That's a huge success. Normally, if you get a 3% response you're doing exceptionally well. So this was really important.
It's very difficult to get this kind of information out to the target audience we were after, and the fact that we got such a recognition factor, but also an action rate, was very gratifying. To me, it says those tax dollars are being very well invested in making people aware of the programs.
I do know also that the awareness of the economic action plan campaign was very high. In March, the awareness rate was substantially higher than in January. The main message that Canadians were taking was that the government has programs to help those who are unemployed or whose jobs are in jeopardy. That's really good news. Things like our work-sharing program are available to protect jobs and to prevent layoffs, and that has so far helped protect the jobs of over 255,000 Canadians.
We've extended that program recently and have received a lot of accolades from industry and from the employees whose jobs have been protected. But before people can take part in that program, they need to be aware of it. That's what this ad campaign was designed to do.