Okay. I hear you. Mr. Siksay, I think my concern was that in fact the issue and the motion are not secret, but it is the discussion on the motion that is the issue, and that is the normal practice. I've suggested or I'm recommending that we go in camera and I've made a ruling that we move in camera to have the discussion on this motion, but if you would challenge the chair, sir, I certainly will take that motion and we'll deal with it.
Okay. The chair is challenged, so the question is, shall my decision to go in camera be sustained? If you want to go in camera, say yes; if you don't want to go in camera say no.
Call the roll. I hope everybody understands.
(Ruling of the chair sustained)
Okay. We're going in camera. I'll suspend.
Please clear the room if you shouldn't be here.
[Proceedings continue in camera]