Thanks, Madam Chair.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for inviting me to appear before you today.
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting is an independent watchdog for Canadian programming on radio, television, and new media. We are supported by 150,000 Canadians, and we are not affiliated with any broadcaster or political party.
Your committee is studying a matter that is close to our hearts: the transparency and accountability of our national public broadcaster. Canadians share with citizens in other western democracies profound respect for public broadcasting. A recent Pollara poll commissioned by Friends indicates that 83% of Canadians use CBC each week; 83% believe that CBC is important in protecting Canadian identity and culture; 76% rate CBC's performance as excellent, very good, or good; and 78% would advise their member of Parliament to maintain or increase CBC's funding.
Before commenting on the CBC's performance under the Access to Information Act, I thought you might welcome an external reference. On Tuesday, the Information Commissioner provided you with an outline of the access regimes in several countries, including the United Kingdom. Through the clerk I have provided you with some links to document the British Broadcasting Corporation's performance under the United Kingdom's Freedom of Information Act.
The main BBC freedom of information website, to which the clerk has the link, indicates that “As a publicly funded organisation, the BBC is fully committed to meeting both the spirit and the letter of the Act.” It contains a series of helpful links, such as disclosure logs. The link includes files on bonuses paid in 2010-11 and tenders awarded in 2010. Members of the committee might consider surfing through the various links to gain an insight into the compliance policies and practices of another national public broadcaster--information that we find both instructive and impressive.
I would like to share with you a few examples of our own experience with access to information and the CBC. In November 2009, Friends submitted a series of questions to the CBC under the Access to Information Act. These included a request for all correspondence among the CBC's senior management mentioning “Friends of Canadian Broadcasting” or “Ian Morrison”, and the dollar value of all contracts in recent years between the CBC and a United States company known as Frank R. Magid Associates.
Eleven weeks later we received a response refusing to disclose the financial information, claiming exemption under section 68.1. After six months and the transfer of a few hundred dollars in payments, in response to our other request—that's the Friends and the Ian Morrison part—we received a series of blanked out files containing almost no useful information.
We would like to provide your committee with our take on the root problem and offer a policy suggestion to address it.
Unlike the BBC and other national public broadcasters in most other western democracies, the CBC's governance and senior management structure suffer from an accountability deficit that is built into section 36 of the Broadcasting Act. The Governor in Council appoints CBC's president, chair, and 10 other members of the corporation's board of directors. As a result--unlike the standard practice in the private sector or that of most national public broadcasters in democratic countries--the CBC's chief executive officer is effectively accountable to no one.
Section 52 of the act correctly requires the corporation to program independently from government interference, which means that the government cannot intervene in the president's decisions. The CBC's board lacks the authority that almost all other boards have to hire and fire the CEO.
In common with his immediate predecessors, the current CBC president was appointed without previous management or broadcast management experience, including production or scheduling experience. He is a mergers and acquisitions lawyer, a very talented one, whose previous broadcasting governance experience was confined to the board of Télémédia as its legal adviser, at a time when that family controlled corporation was actively seeking to sell its broadcasting assets. As a practising lawyer, however, the current president entered his present job with a sophisticated understanding of legislation and therefore could be presumed to be able to comprehend the requirements of the Access to Information Act and also evaluate the advice to his subordinates thereon.
We therefore find it shocking that he has endorsed and has continued the disclosure avoidance practice inherited from his predecessor, presumably with the approval of CBC's board of directors.
The CBC access to information issue is subsidiary to a larger CBC accountability issue. The solution is to be found in a suggestion of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage made eight years ago. I'm quoting from page 567 of the report called “Our Cultural Sovereignty”, chaired by Clifford Lincoln, one of your former colleagues.
[I]n the interests of fuller accountability and arm's-length from government, nominations to the CBC board should be made by a number of sources, and the CBC President should be hired by and be responsible to the Board.
A CBC board of directors, chosen at arm's length from patronage and mandated to represent the public interest, with the power to recruit, evaluate, and if necessary terminate its president, would introduce accountability on the part of the national public broadcaster's most senior management. One of the board's duties, on behalf of its 34 million shareholders, would be to ensure compliance with relevant statutes, including the Access to Information Act. This would bring the standard of governance of Canada's national public broadcaster up to par with the standard of governance of public broadcasters in other democratic countries while addressing the issue of compliance with the Access to Information Act.
Such a reform proposal is popular with Canadians. Pollara found that 86% of Canadians favour a non-political appointment process for CBC's board of directors, and 87% favour a non-political appointment of CBC's president.
I would like to conclude, Madam Chair, with the following brief comment. On the morning following the recent general election, Canada's Heritage Minister, James Moore said: “We believe in the national public broadcaster. We have said that we will maintain or increase support for the CBC. That is our platform and we have said that before and we will commit to that.”
Yet, just ten weeks later, in conversation with Jian Ghomeshi on CBC Radio One's talk show, Q, Moore changed his tune: “The CBC has to do its part. The idea that the CBC can't find five per cent efficiencies within the CBC to give back to the broader economic framework is silly.... Of course the CBC will be part of this overall process.”
I want to draw the committee's attention to the following fact. In 1996, CBC's annual appropriation from the Government of Canada represented 92¢ out of every $100 of federal program spending, net of debt servicing. This year, the federal government's investment in our national public broadcaster is 51¢ out of every $100 of federal program spending. It is clear that CBC has more than prepaid its contribution to deficit reduction.
As a watchdog for Canadian programming, Friends is often critical of broadcasters, certainly including CBC's senior management. We also critique the performance of cable monopolies and satellite television distributors, the CRTC, and sometimes the federal government. But in keeping with the vast majority of Canadians, including a substantial] majority of supporters of each federal political party, Friends strongly supports CBC's talented employees who actually make the programming Canadians watch daily.
We wish you well in your deliberations.
Did I stay within my 10 minutes, Madam Chair?