We're not the ones deciding what programming is and isn't. There are some rules, some criteria. They come from the Supreme Court. So let's park this for a second.
Can I come to TIFF, the Toronto International Film Festival, sir?
When I talked about exaggerating, our friends at Quebecor floated the idea that we had spent a million bucks on a party at TIFF. That's the way they put it.
We launch shows every year. George's show is the most important evening, one-on-one interview show in prime time. When I saw that number, I was impressed, because it means a complete disconnect with what a party can cost. And it wasn't a party; it was a launch. We chose that time to give it maximum exposure.
I'll tell you what that cost, sir. It cost the equivalent for us of putting one ad in the Sun Media newspapers in five cities in this country. So if you want to know, without my disclosing how we do corporate events, how we do launches, how we get the sponsorships, who covered some of the out-of-pocket expenses--because if we do this well, we should be applauded for that.... People on this committee should congratulate CBC/Radio-Canada for a smart investment of money by being able to launch a show of that importance, on that platform, hooking it into TIFF, with some of the people who will end up on George's show there to promote it. That was smart, spectacular.
The cost to CBC, out of pocket, was the equivalent of one ad in five Sun Media newspapers.