Rule 8 says to clarify the rights of registered lobbyists to participate as volunteers in election campaigns. What I seem to be hearing is, “Can you please just tell us what's acceptable and what isn't?” Many people I've talked to who happen to work in GR are saying to me, “Listen, before I worked in GR, this is what I did, this is who I am. I didn't think I sacrificed that when I registered.”
Now they're hearing that maybe they did. Where would you like to see that line drawn? It's one thing to say to clarify it, but you must have an opinion on where you would like to see it clarified. Would you like us to clarify that anybody who's a registered lobbyist can't work on any campaigns, can't be involved with any elected representatives, has to come out and cleanse himself publicly of ever having had a political affiliation, or are you suggesting that another kind of line be drawn?
Of course, the other extreme is that they hire them because they happened to have a connection to the NDP, the Liberals, or the Conservatives, and that's why they were hired, and everyone knows that, so there's no point in trying to pretend otherwise.
Where do you want that line drawn?