Perhaps I'll answer the first part of it regarding the administrative monetary penalties.
In developing its recommendations, I encourage the committee to consider the issue of due process and whether the Lobbyists' Code of Conduct is sufficiently robust to support a system of monetary fines imposed on private individuals, and also to consider the Commissioner of Lobbying's status as an independent agent of Parliament operating outside the framework of the ministerial responsibility.
One might also want to consider that the commissioner, in this sense, is the one who creates the codes, who does the investigations, and now it has been suggested that she also be the one to levy the fines. In this sense, she would be the lawmaker, the police person, as well as the judge and jury. So I would encourage the committee to consider what implications that might have.
One thing the committee might consider when it comes to the code of conduct is putting this into rules or regulations, which would be developed by a committee such as yourselves, so that there is some outside influence as to what goes into those regulations. That might be something the committee might want to consider.
Mr. Scott-Douglas.