I'm not coming after your organization. I understand the value of it. I totally get the freedom. People want to be free to do what they want to do on the Internet and have their say, but they are also concerned about their privacy.
Can you enlighten the committee on the technical capabilities that would allow users to visit a website they couldn't otherwise go to if they chose to turn their cookies off or if they chose not to sign on to a user licence agreement?
I've had some people before this committee say how difficult it would be to provide a platform that allows users preferences based on the level of security and the level of interaction with the company. I don't think that it would be all that difficult to do.
Do you think that would be an onerous thing to do? For example, instead of a one-button, select-all agreement to all the terms and conditions of an end-user licence agreement, could the industry have specific parts of that agreement agreed to and others not agreed to and still provide the user with the experience of visiting a website?