Mr. Chair, thank you very much for your invitation to appear again at the very end of your study, which we have been following with interest.
I'm joined today by Chantal Bernier, assistant commissioner, who directs our day-to-day operations, and Barb Bucknell, strategic policy analyst, who is a specialist in social media. They will, I hope, help me answer your questions.
Honourable members, I'd like to start with an overview of privacy challenges.
Over the last few months, I believe you've heard from an array of interested parties on the benefits and the challenges of social media. When I first appeared in May, I noted the four areas of privacy protection where we had the most concern. These were accountability, meaningful consent, limiting use, and retention. It's noteworthy that the witnesses who appeared before you have largely agreed that these areas are challenged by social media. Where they tended to differ, I understand, was on the adequacy of the tools available to address the problems.
Also noteworthy was the extent to which children and youth privacy permeated the discussions. Many interesting ideas were put forth with respect to digital literacy as well as possible legislative responses.
Mr. Chairman, I would like to commend the committee for its insight and forward thinking in holding this particular study.
Today I want to address the key comments that have emerged from your hearings. I will begin with enforcement powers.
The most important question put forward throughout the study was whether PIPEDA is up to the task of handling the challenges brought about by changing technology. Most witnesses felt that PIPEDA needs to be modernized. Others took the position that PIPEDA does not need to be changed, that its enforcement model works, and that its technology-neutral character is its strength.
In my view, with the emergence of Internet giants, the balance intended by the spirit and letter of PIPEDA is at risk. The quasi-monopoly of these multinationals has made PIPEDA's soft approach, based on non-binding recommendations and the threat of reputation loss, largely ineffective, I believe. We have seen organizations ignore our recommendations until the matter goes to court. We have seen large corporations, in the name of consultation with my office, pay lip service to our concerns and then ignore our advice. Moreover, with vast amounts of personal information held by organizations on increasingly complex platforms, the risk of significant breaches and of unexpected, unwanted, or even intrusive uses of that information calls for commensurate safeguards and financial consequences not currently provided for in PIPEDA.
New incentives, including changes to the enforcement model, are required to encourage organizations to be proactive, to build upfront protections, and to ensure secure treatment of individuals' personal information. I agree with the witnesses who stated that PIPEDA's strength is that it is technology-neutral and principles-based. These are characteristics that must remain.
I also agree—at least in part—with those who noted my office's success in bringing organizations into better compliance with the law. We have made use of the tools the law provides, and we have been able to effect some change—but often after an arduous effort. That effort comes at high cost to Canadians and is less and less effective against powerful, multinational companies.
You heard the arguments that my office cannot be judge, jury and executioner. In response, I would point you to some of my international and even provincial counterparts.
The United Kingdom commissioner can issue fines, as can a number of the international data protection authorities listed in the document I have submitted today. In the United Kingdom, my counterparts have stronger enforcement powers, but that has not precluded an ombudsman approach. Fines are issued where a softer touch has failed. Our counterparts tell us that businesses that invest in adopting good privacy practices from the start feel it is only fair to impose a financial burden on those who do not, in order to even the playing field.
Commissioners in Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia have order-making powers and jurisdiction over the private sector. They also have other duties—prescribed by law—that enable them to perform multiple roles, such as educator, adjudicator, enforcer, advocate, and so on. I have noted that witnesses before this committee had only good things to say about their relationship with the commissioners. Witnesses have said that the Canadian model was the envy of many countries around the world.
What others like about our law is that it does not single out sectors and is non-prescriptive. Yet, given that many of my international counterparts either have stronger enforcement tools or are requesting them, it is not our enforcement model they are admiring.
Indeed, I worry that, if my counterparts continue to gain stronger powers, but Canada does not, we will fall behind in inspiring consumer confidence needed for the digital economy to thrive.
At the least, we must start with mandatory data breach notifications—including financial consequences for egregious cases. Increasingly, other countries are implementing similar legislation. Such requirements would reinforce accountability and, with penalties, provide financial incentives to better protect Canadians' personal information. Such penalties should be flexible and adaptable to circumstances, so as not to unduly burden smaller organizations.
I'd like now to talk a bit about digital literacy.
Another key theme that has emerged from your hearings is the importance of digital literacy. I believe that the moment has come for government, for educators, and for our communities to seriously focus attention on the digital education of all Canadians of all ages.
Such an effort must address the broader societal and ethical issues that are raised by new information technologies but that fall outside data protection law per se. People need to understand that information on the Internet can live on forever and that they should be careful about what they post about themselves and others. That being said, digital literacy does not absolve companies of their obligations under privacy law.
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, given the global nature of today's digital economy, Canada's federal law needs enforcement powers comparable to those in other jurisdictions. That is the way to have the greatest impact on privacy protection and to improve Canadians' confidence in their online environment.
A law that dates back to a time before social networks and smart technologies were created cannot remain static. The ways in which personal information in this environment can be collected and used by many players makes a formal study of the effectiveness of our privacy framework even more pressing, so I strongly urge Parliament—and this committee particularly—to move forward with a review of the legislation, PIPEDA in particular.
Thank you very much for inviting me once again, and my colleagues and I would be happy to try to answer your questions.