Okay. You're talking about your specific case.
The information commissioner has raised a number of issues regarding a black hole in several departments of the Conservative government when it comes to accountability and responsibility obligations. If there's time, I think that some of my colleagues will ask you questions about that. Some departments' grades in terms of transparency are appalling.
Mr. Calkins said the following before this committee:
We've got a taxpayer-funded organization using taxpayers' funds to put up a defence, versus a taxpayer-funded office of the (information commissioner), fighting each other in a court paid for by the taxpayers of Canada. This is not in the best interests of taxpayers.
We agree. However, that same Conservative government fought the information commissioner all the way to the Supreme Court in order to protect ministers and stop them from disclosing certain information. We are familiar with this government's habits, one of them being its ability to misappropriate $50 million through a hidden process enabling it to distribute the money in a minister's municipalities, away from the Auditor General's watchful eye. That money was distributed without any kind of a record or paper trail to speak of. In addition, the presence of federal officials was concealed. Don't you think that, generally speaking, this government has a problem in terms of its transparency and accountability obligations?