Thank you very much. At least that’s clear. Problem solved.
We often hear that CBC/Radio-Canada costs taxpayers $1.1 billion a year. I would like to put things into perspective and perhaps hear what you have to say.
Most of CBC/Radio-Canada’s budget comes from selling and producing its own programs, as well as selling advertising. Public funds represent only 50% of CBC/Radio-Canada’s budget, not 100%. Most OECD countries have a public broadcaster. In Germany, the public broadcaster costs each citizen $147 a year; in Japan, it costs about $90, and the same goes for the U.K. Yet here in Canada, CBC/Radio-Canada costs each taxpayer on average $34 a year. That is approximately one-third of what it costs someone from the U.K. or Japan.
I think we are getting pretty good value for our money. CBC/Radio-Canada provides us with a diversity of views, programs covering everything that happens in every region in Canada, as well as very interesting local and regional coverage, for an attractive price compared to other countries around the world.