Thank you.
Mr. Andrews has brought this up with respect to your past. I guess he doesn't look at to see when people donate to political parties. He's probably never heard of the website, I guess.
You of course aren't the only person who has been a Liberal in his past. There are many people who have been Liberals in their past. I, too, was once a Liberal, when I was about 14 or 15, and then I grew up and got educated and became a Conservative.
Since Mr. Andrews is so concerned about your past, I'm wondering if you could help explain what it was that so turned you off the Liberals. Was it the fact that they always broke election promises? Was it the fact that they promised to get rid of the GST and lied about that? Was it the fact that they promised to enact Kyoto, but then admitted that they actually never had any intention of doing it because it was just really a—