Thank you for the question. Privacy by design is extraordinarily important at Facebook. We have a cross-functional privacy program that includes experts from around the company who, as we're building products, think about data collection and data use and how we can communicate with people and put them in control.
One example is that several years back, we changed our default for sharing so that when you post something on Facebook as a new user, we'll ask you if you want this information to be made public or if you want this information to be shared only with your friends. People have the ability to change that an any time.
We've also done privacy checkups to reconfirm that with people so that people can let us know. By default, when you post on Facebook, information is shared with your friends, but we also want to give people the ability to share publicly, and unfortunately, one of the challenges is that if you post something publicly on the Internet, anyone can see it, and sometimes that includes people who are scraping—