I have limited time, so I would appreciate it if you just focus on my questions and give the answers directly.
We've heard a lot about what you wish to do, who you are engaged with, who you wish to see and how you're going to work on your policies, but let's just see what actually appears and continues to appear on your platforms.
To do that and to save some time, I have put together a little handout that summarizes several cases, which I have no doubt you're familiar with. Just thumb through them quickly. These are all cases that were sensational. They all went viral quickly. They were probably amplified by trolls and bots—fake accounts. They incite fear, they cause disaffection and tensions, and they prey on divisive social fault lines: race, religion, immigration.
One key fact is that they're all false information as well, and all resulted in real world harm: physical injuries, deaths, riots, accentuating divisions and fault lines between religions and races, causing fear.
Just go to the very last page of the handout and look at Sri Lanka, April 2019. The leader of the Easter terrorist bombings in Sri Lanka had posted videos that were on your platforms—Facebook and YouTube—for at least six months prior to the bombing itself. In the videos, he says, “Non-Muslims and people who don't accept Muslims can be killed, along with women and children.” Separately, he says, “We can kill women and children with bombs. It is right.”
This is clear hate speech, is it not?