Yes, so you've got all the people to use your cloud services and then you can drive down prices against mom and pop. Lena Kahn, from Open Markets, says that because you are controlling so much market dominance in so many various areas, you can use your profits from the cloud to run predatory pricing and to run down competition. She says that your “structure and conduct pose anticompetitive concerns—yet it has escaped antitrust scrutiny”.
This is an issue that I think legislators need to think about. We see that in Canada one of the great advantages you have is that you're not paying taxes the way our poorest businesses have to. In the U.K., you made 3.35 billion pounds and paid only only 1.8 million pounds in taxable income. I mean, you're like our biggest welfare case on the planet if you're getting that.
In the U.S., it's even better. You made $11 billion in profits and you got a $129-million rebate. You were actually paying a negative 1% tax rate. That seems to me to be an extraordinary advantage. I don't know of any company that wouldn't want to get a rebate rather than pay taxes—or any citizen.
How is it that we have a marketplace where you can undercut any competitor and you can undercut any book publisher and you're not even properly paying taxes? Don't you think that it's at least our job to rein you guys in and make sure that we have some fair rules in the marketplace?