I would agree with that.
It's very similar in terms of our foreign signals intelligence activities as well as cyber-threat activities. If we've collected information that's useful and there's an ongoing threat, we're going to continue to use that information. Obviously, we're not in the business of collecting information about Canadians. Not to get too technical, but we do come into contact with information. We may collect it incidentally. We have very strict rules that we are to delete that information immediately unless it has value with regard to a threat to Canada. If we can show that it does have that value, and there's an interest when it comes to the security and defence of Canada, then we will keep it and we'll report on it. However, we still put measures in place to protect that information within our systems.
Specifically, as it pertains to retention periods, your question is more about how long we retain things. We have retention periods for most of the collection of information that we have. We have ministerial directives that impose those retention periods. We follow them and they are reviewed by our commissioner to make sure that we adhere to them. That's how I would couch it.