Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the invitation to appear before the committee. My name is Donald Roussel, and I am the associate assistant deputy minister for safety and security at Transport Canada. I am joined, as you mentioned, by Marie-France Paquet, director general, intermodal surface, security, and emergency preparedness.
I will go through an overview of the mandate of our department, which includes the promotion of safe, secure, and efficient transportation for Canada and Canadians.
To fulfill our mandate, the department uses, updates, or develops legislation, regulations, policies, and standards to safeguard the integrity of the air, marine, and surface modes of transportation for Canada. We also implement programs. We monitor, test, and inspect to enforce the regulations and the standards.
The main groups in charge of promoting security are aviation security, marine safety and security, surface and intermodal security, the security screening program, and security intelligence assessment.
The aviation security directorate is responsible for safeguarding the integrity and security of the Canadian aviation system through a comprehensive suite of legislation, policies, regulations, and security measures. The directorate regulates and conducts oversight of the industry, including airports, air carriers, and airport tenants, and the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, more known as CATSA, which provides screening services of passengers, their baggage, and non-passengers at 89 designated airports.
The marine safety and security directorate develops and implements policies and regulations promoting the safety and security of the marine transportation system, and conducts related oversight. This includes mandatory reporting of security incidents by industry, and comprehensive safety and security inspection regimes.
The surface and intermodal security directorate manages Transport Canada's rail security program. Guided by the Railway Safety Act, the International Bridges and Tunnels Act, and the Transportation of Dangerous Good Act, SIMS works with partners to enhance the security of surface and intermodal transportation across Canada.
The security screening branch collaborates with security and intelligence agencies and administers the transportation security clearance program to mitigate risks posed by individuals who are potential threats to aviation or maritime transportation and infrastructure.
The security intelligence assessment branch is the departmental point of contact with the intelligence community. It is responsible for analyzing and disseminating relevant intelligence within Transport and to industry stakeholders.
Finally, the emergency preparedness branch, which includes our situation centre, responds to emergency situations, safety and security incidents, natural disasters, or emerging threats impacting the national transportation system. The situation centre operates on a 24/7 basis and works in close co-operation with other government response centres.
On national security responsibilities, I will now turn to Transport's jurisdiction and responsibilities with respect to measures to mitigate external activities that undermine the national security of Canada and describe the safeguards ensuring that exchanges of information are conducted in compliance with federal legislation and policies.
Canada's national transportation system is vital to our economic prosperity and a key national security component that can be undermined by criminal activity, threats to, or interference with this vast and complex system.
Our responsibilities include identifying, tracking and responding to threats to surface—including rail, international bridges and tunnels—marine, and aviation transportation emanating from terrorists, sabotage, or other forms of unlawful interference, such as hostile cyber activity. Our security intelligence assessment branch depends on open source information, as well as classified information from agencies like the Canadian Security Intelligence Service or CSIS, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Global Affairs Canada, and the Communications Security Establishment Canada.
Access to security intelligence information allows Transport Canada to effectively and proactively identify and address threats to transportation. Any restrictions or reductions in the quality and quantity of information originating from the agencies with national security responsibilities could undermine our ability to meet or legislate responsibilities and negatively impact the security of Canada.
Transport Canada relies on multiple legislative and policy instruments to fulfill its mandate. These instruments allow the department to implement appropriate policies and regulations, deploy technologies that enhance transportation security, and conduct oversight and enforcement. I will briefly describe some of the legislation that Transport administers in relation to its national security responsibilities.
The Aeronautics Act is the primary legislation governing civil aviation in Canada and authorizes the development of regulations and security measures for the security of aerodromes and commercial aircraft operations. The Marine Transportation Security Act and the marine transportation security regulations provide the Minister of Transport with the authority to establish measures and regulations to ensure the security of Canada's marine transportation industry. This includes preventive measures and a framework to detect incidents that could affect vessels or marine facilities.
The Railway Safety Act promotes and provides for the safety and security of the public and personnel, as well as the protection of property and the environment for railway operations. The act has a number of instruments that can be used to promote security, including the issuance of emergency directives and security measures. TC has yet to resort to Security of Canada Information Sharing Act provisions to fulfill its national security responsibilities. Information exchanges occur under existing TC legislation or legal authorities of other institutions, as well as under the Privacy Act.
Regarding information safeguard mechanisms, information on security threats is found in different government institutions. That is why efficient and responsible sharing of information among government institutions is essential to a government's ability to identify, understand, and respond to threats to its national security. I will now describe the mechanisms in place to ensure that exchanges of information at Transport Canada respect Canadian laws and policies.
Since 2012, we have been guided by a comprehensive document entitled “The Transport Canada Intelligence Function Guidelines to Intelligence and Information Sharing”. It has clear instructions on information disclosure, including personal information among Government of Canada departments and agencies. All TC programs involving national security information disclosure include effective tracking systems to ensure privacy rights are respected. Here are some examples on how personal information disclosure is managed in two key programs with major national security implications.
First, the security screening program involves the use of a records management database and a stand-alone network to manage personal information on government employees, as well as workers who require access to restricted areas of ports and airports. Information is collected and disclosed pursuant to the appropriate consent obtained with the applicant's signature.
Secondly, the passenger protect program administered by Public Safety and the application of the Secure Air Travel Act aim to prevent listed individuals from threatening transportation security or using civil aviation to travel for the purposes of terrorism. TC is mainly responsible for delivering the operational components of the program, including sharing the SATA list with air carriers, vetting potential matches identified by air carriers on a 24/7 basis, contacting PSC in the event of a positive match, communicating PSC's decisions to air carriers, and conducting oversight, compliance, and enforcement of SATA and its regulations. All sharing is authorized by and performed within the authorities and scope of the SATA.
Transport Canada identifies a limited number of officials authorized to receive information for exchanges under the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act, and a similar instrument for disclosure is in preparation. Continual efforts, including training, are under way in the department to ensure that the employees are aware of their responsibilities concerning the collection and use of personal information under the Privacy Act.
Sharing information on known threats or to prevent threats from developing is critical. We are committed to doing so in a responsible manner.
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to contribute to your study, and I welcome your questions.