It's true that the identity of officials or other people may sometimes have to be protected and that, in other cases, it is unreasonable to protect them.
I imagine that there may be differences of opinion, and the circumstances are important. I'll talk to you about the provision of Bill C-58 that states the purpose of the act, because I think it's important to the question you're asking. The purpose of the act is amended to read that the purpose is “to enhance the accountability and transparency of federal institutions in order to promote an open and democratic society and to enable public debate on the conduct of those institutions”.
So there will be cases where information affecting a political position or topic x from the public service will be disseminated, which is very much in the public interest. Do the individuals involved in this policy need to be identified? I think the new purpose of the act is helpful in answering this question. It's a tool that did not exist previously.
In the example you gave, would knowing the identity of the public servant enhance the accountability and transparency of federal institutions? It may, or it may not.
Would it promote democratic debate? It may, or it may not.
The purpose of the act is very helpful here in answering these questions. Sometimes, the public debate can be complete, quite democratic, without the need to identify the individuals involved. Sometimes, it will be quite relevant to know the individuals involved to judge the merits of someone's point of view, in order to have an open and informed democratic debate.