Thank you very much.
We very much appreciate your expertise in this area.
I'd like to go to something you said about the censorial power. This is quite alarming, I think, to most Canadian citizens. When we talk about this issue, a lot of the discussion is more around the free market as opposed to free speech—the idea of antitrust, anti-monopolies, and making sure that new players have access to the market—but for most of the public, this is about free speech. This is about being able to have open access for ideas and the flow and exchange of communication.
You talked about Wikipedia. The ISPs here who came to see us talked about the fact that they are just the channel. If they were to block content, they said they'd wait for a court order. They don't block what goes through, and it sounded as if they were being quite strict in when and if they would do that. My understanding, from what you just said, is that's not the case in the United States.