I just want to say good afternoon again to everyone. We've had a lot of deliberation today and substantive conversation. I do just want to echo that the conversations do get heated. We sometimes represent different views, but at the end of the day, we represent Canadians. I'm going to do that and I always try to do. Those of you who know me and who have interacted with me over the years know that consider myself not to be a really partisan MP, if I can use that term. I represented the Liberals and am proud to be a Liberal. I was 15 years old when I first bought my membership and became involved in politics. Nonetheless, I was voted here to represent the wonderful constituents of Vaughan—Woodbridge and I represent them all. No matter who they voted for, no matter where they come from, and no matter what their views are, I have time for them all and I love them all, and I try to do the best job that I can as the member of Parliament for Vaughan—Woodbridge here in this wonderful city of Vaughan.
I know the rest of my dear and honourable colleagues do the same in their constituencies. I think that's something that I hold dear to my heart and I know that all my honourable colleagues hold dear to their hearts.
With that, Chair, I do know that my name has been bandied about several times since the beginning of our sitting today at about 11 o'clock. What is sort of surprising is that I never realized I was that popular or that important, but it seems I've become pretty popular today in some testimony to my colleagues.
I thank you for thinking of me. It's always very nice to be thought of and it's always nice to be mentioned. If you wish to comment on my past comments or my past words, feel free to do so. We are in committee. We are allowed to chat and represent our views, and that's great.
Chair, one thing I as a member of the ethics committee promise to do for as long as I get to serve on this committee is to be respectful to my colleagues, and I always try to do that. I haven't been respectful, I'll be the first one to apologize and so forth.
That's my shtick. Those are my comments.
Chair, as we're going here, I do want to back up, because Mr. Angus in his early deliberations this morning was very free flowing and had a lot of commentary, and I always listen intently to Mr. Angus. I do. I find him very wise.
I do want to say, MP Angus, that I know you posted the picture from Ortona, where we were last year during this week. I saw some of your Instagram posts and they were very touching and reminded me of our trip last year. I'm saying this because it was Remembrance Day week, not for any other reason, so don't read into it, please.
But Mr. Angus did comment about finance and a number of proceedings and his interpretation of things. So Mr. Chair, you gave Mr. Angus quite the breadth of room yourself.
I think Mr. Angus mentioned that recently he was disappointed and that he thought that we on the government side didn't live up to perhaps not obligations but certain discussions that may have transpired. I always frame those discussions as private discussions between MPs. We always chat amongst ourselves. A lot of us are friends.
I know on our trip, MP Angus, the Bloc member who was with us was Mr. Desilets, with whom I still keep in contact and who I think of as a friend and someone I just smile with and we chat and so forth. We have those things. I think we need to have respect for those conversations.
I will go back to MP Angus's motion from October 22, from which we had agreed to remove, I believe, Mr. Fergus's amendment, which was passed in good spirit, in co-operation with the honourable member for the New Democratic Party. We removed the bullet point (a) on the examination of MCAP and Rob Silver's involvement with the queues in the Canada emergency commercial rent assistance program.
I will slow down for the interpreters.
Pardon me, Ms. Gaudreau.
I apologize if I'm speaking too fast.
We also removed “(d) an examination of the use of partisan resources and processes in the appointment of federal judges that may have constituted violations of the privacy rights of nominees; and that the Committee...”.
MP Angus, on your amended motion, with Mr. Fergus's help, I wish to thank the New Democratic member for what I would say is recognizing the fact that going after someone's mother was wrong. Going after someone's brother was wrong. I want to recognize this. MP Angus recognized that. I thought that on a personal basis, which I argued here in my riding office in Vaughan, it was an incorrect thing to do by the official opposition. I thought that was a huge amount of overreach. I fundamentally argued at that time, Chair, that it was fundamentally wrong, shameful and embarrassing to go after the Prime Minister's mother. I'm glad that MP Angus helped us get to a point where we can move....
I do agree with MP Angus on his interpretation of the amendment that Madame Gaudreau put forward and that was voted on by the committee. Chair, in my procedural understanding, I understood that portion of the amendment that Madame Gaudreau put forward to be substantively if not almost exactly similar in intent to the motion that was voted on and that was defeated. To me, that amendment was out of order.
Now, I'm not the chair. I'm not the clerk. I'm not the entire committee. That was my interpretation. Again, it was as I described it when an individual goes golfing. It was a mulligan. It was a do-over. I also understand and appreciate very much MP Angus's comment, which you mentioned recently....
Mr. Angus, if I've misquoted you, please correct me.
He commented that he believed that Madame Gaudreau's amendment was out of order, but because the ruling was that the amendment was not out of order, ruled on by the chair, then he voted for the amendment to add to his amended motion, where the amended motion was with Mr. Fergus's amendment. We have a motion that was amended once and then amended twice, and that has become a sticking point.
I really feel that we had seen some movement and some goodwill. I would like to move on to doing whichever study the committee adopts under your leadership, Chair, and, Chair, thank you for your patience. It's admirable. You called a 10-minute break to suspend and calm things down, which I thought was very timely, Chair. I thank you for doing that, in your wisdom. Thank you very much, Chair. I think that was appreciated.
Frankly, I'm attacked on Twitter by some of the MPs every time I leave this ethics committee. I see it on Twitter. I see Mr. Warkentin's tweets. I read them, and I say, “Oh, wow, you're attacking me today, Mr. Warkentin.” But what I know is that I'm going to keep doing the great work that my constituents ask of me. I'm going to still visit my seniors when I'm able to, and I'm going to make sure that income supports for people who continue to be impacted by COVID-19 are going to be received. That's what our government is going to do.
If the opposite side wishes to attack me on Twitter.... It's all there, Mr. Chair. If the opposite side wishes to attack me, and that's the bar, the level they're going to stoop to, they can continue doing that—all the power, please do.... Because you know what? My constituents and Canadians know that we are in a pandemic and our government is going to work with the provincial governments across the country to continue to help out Canadians. So wow, if MP Warkentin wishes to attack and play that negativity, I'll allow him to do that. Please, do so.
It's not constructive. Half the things you've put out are false. Actually, it's sort of beneath us, sort of beneath why we're elected as MPs. That's my opinion, Mr. Warkentin. I see that you're chirping in the background, as I would call it, and I'll let you chirp, but at the same time, I'm going to be an MP. I'm going to do the job that my constituents elected me to do, not only the people who voted for me, but what everyone in my riding wants me to do: build a better country for us, make sure we have a good future for our kids and a clean environment and a healthy country, a country that provides equality of opportunity for all Canadians. That's what we're about and what every MP is about. Maybe we differ in the way we get there, but all MPs are about that.
I share MP Angus's passion for helping our indigenous Canadians and the nation-to-nation relationship. Many of the MPs may not know this, but I grew up in northern British Columbia, in the riding of Skeena—Bulkley Valley. Growing up, I knew too well the issues faced by our indigenous brothers and sisters. I'm glad, so glad, to see our government build this nation-to-nation relationship and continue along that path.
Chair, I do wish to move an amendment. I want to see if it's ruled in order by you and the clerk. Let me read it to the committee.
I move that we add, after section (b):
(c) that in order to comply with Canadian and Provincial privacy laws, that any request for documents be limited to those documents in the organization’s possession, as well as other relevant documents they may have;