Thank you, Mr. Chair.
There have been times in previous Parliaments when the government has tried to move committee meetings in camera to force difficult issues and votes behind closed doors and to avoid public scrutiny. Even in minority Parliaments in which the government could not act unilaterally, there were times when this was attempted, and as a consequence valuable committee time ended up being wasted debating this.
For that reason, there is value to set out parameters at the front end and in routine motions that specify when in camera meetings can take place. Otherwise, we may be in situations where the work of the committee can be wasted in debating frivolous attempts to move in camera.
Mr. Chair, we have heard in preceding comments on previous motions put how people are envisioning the nature of this committee. Just so we're clear, I will share with you that my intention at this committee is to provide a certain level of transparency and accountability to the proceedings of this government.
This is a significant moment in time coming out of COVID, Mr. Chair, and there are likely going to be some very significant conversations. As we have heard time and time again from the government side, sunshine is the best antiseptic. I would like to see this committee operate at the highest level of all committees pertaining to this House, with the highest levels of transparency and accountability, and without attempts to filibuster or to frivolously move things in camera and out of the public eye.
I would call upon all members of this committee to consider this motion in its seriousness, given our experience in the last minority Parliament, to ensure that the discussions of this committee are done in such a way that we know from the outset exactly how we're going to deal with matters pertaining to public interest within this committee.
This has been provided in both official languages, and I'm looking forward to hearing the remarks of members around this table.
Thank you.