Here's what I would like to do then.
Mr. Green, if possible, we can continue for the next few minutes with our witnesses. I'm going to suggest that we continue with the next meeting with the departments. We will have a committee business meeting, at which I can update the committee on where we are with the witnesses. We've taken about 10 or 15 minutes on this, which I think is unfair to the witnesses who presented themselves today.
I think we have clear direction from the committee on where we want to go with this. I would ask now that we continue with our witnesses. We'll go ahead with Thursday's meeting and then have a subcommittee meeting at that point. I'll make time for that if that's okay. Then I can update you on where the President of the Treasury Board is and where some of the other witnesses that were suggested here in this discussion are. Is that fair? Are we agreed? Okay.
We have Mr. Green's round completed.
I think I have Mr. Kurek next for five minutes.
Go ahead.
We're going to have very shortened rounds here. We do have a little bit of extra time because of the suspension, but we'll have five, five, two and a half, two and a half, and then we'll conclude.
Go ahead, Mr. Kurek.