We know that most of us have not received education on how to verify information well. Certainly, those of us who are beyond a certain age have not received any, ever. However, additionally, the information environment is changing so rapidly, as are the volume and velocity of information that we're receiving. What used to be a reliable source—and how you only went to one or two sources—doesn't exist anymore. There's a huge menu available to us.
We think that folks who work for government, parliamentarians and their staff, are as vulnerable as any of us are to being fooled, to reading something and not knowing how to verify well and easily, in both their personal lives and their professional lives. We know there are really easy skills that folks can learn very quickly that will help them feel confident about the information they're consuming, about knowing what's a reliable source and how to identify it, and then about sharing good information. That's what we really need to see happen.