I think the first and most important component part of my answer to your question is that we have very rigorous and steadfast policies that spell out the expectations as to how our journalism is conducted.
In addition to these policies, we adhere to the RTDNA Canada and Canadian Association of Broadcasters respective codes of ethics. What occurs in the newsroom on a daily basis is that all of our team members are expected to follow those policies to the absolute letter.
With respect to particular news stories, they are all vetted by a senior member of the team prior to their going to air to ensure they are factually correct and that there are no legal issues with respect to the content.
What specifically happened in this case on September 22 was that those policies and codes of ethics were violated by two individuals at CTV National News. In one case, a reporter altered a script after it had been approved by the producer, significantly changing the meaning and the intent of a particular clip to better suit the requirements of the story they were attempting to tell. In the second case, an editor spliced fragments of two segments of a statement together, creating a clip that hadn't actually been spoken in order to cover a technical issue with the original recording.
In my 33 years working in television news, I cannot recall anything similar to this ever happening before.