My apologies for that trouble with the microphone.
The AI Index doesn't comment directly on the amount of investment that exists in that space, but it alludes to the fact that this is becoming an area of increasing concern across a lot of different spaces. I'll highlight two points here.
The first is that with the data I provided from the NIST FRVT test, this test looks at 1:1 verification. In a brief that I submitted to the committee, in figure 1.1, I show the success of different models on a variety of different datasets. Now, in this figure, one of the things that is very clear is that the best-performing model is the one that performs on visa photos, and that's the one where you had a correct identification 999 times out of 1,000, whereas the worst model is the one that is for the wild photos dataset.
The wild photos dataset is a dataset of individuals whose faces might be obscured partially by shadows, or perhaps they weren't looking directly into the camera, and the top-performing models identified correctly 970 out of 1,000 faces. It's still very high, but there's a noticeable drop-off compared with the visa photos.
I think this is suggestive of the fact that if companies and agencies want to use these technologies and justify them on the grounds that, “Look, we tested them in the lab and they had a very high accuracy rate in the lab,” there has to be an attempt to qualify the difference between the settings in which these technologies are tested and the settings in which they are deployed. I think the committee is aware of this, but the index suggests that it is a pressing concern.
I will also add that we cite some research that was published a couple of years ago—and that I think has appeared in the committee as well—in the form of a 2018 paper by Timnit Gebru et al., entitled “Gender Shades”, which looks at the fact that a lot of facial analysis benchmarks tend to be overwhelmingly composed of light-skinned individuals, leading to subsequent bias, and that existing algorithmic systems tend to disproportionately misclassify darker-skinned females as the most misclassified group.
We allude to this, and I think there is a general sense in the research community that there should have been more work being done in this space, but I would be unable to comment as to the exact amount of investment that is being put into this particular field at the moment.