No, that's okay.
Just hang on a second, guys. Let's get through this, if we can.
Do we have agreement on division?
(Amendment agreed to on division [See Minutes of Proceedings])
Thank you, Monsieur Villemure.
Mr. Green, can I assume that you were good with the amendment? Okay. Thank you.
Now we're on the main motion as amended.
Is there any further discussion on the main motion as amended?
Seeing none, by a show of hands, do we have agreement as a committee on the main motion as amended?
(Motion as amended agreed to on division [See Minutes of Proceedings])
Mr. Green, can I circle back with you to have a discussion about what you brought up earlier? I do have some information that's relevant to your concern. I'd like to do that, if we can get together at some point tomorrow, and then we can discuss it. Obviously, I'm at the will of the committee if the committee wants to expand this further, but there was some discussion about the amendments and the motion as related to the social media study. I would like to discuss that with you first. Then, if we need to, we can bring that back to committee at the next meeting.
The clerk has just reminded me again that we work on deadlines here. On Ms. Khalid's point about asking TikTok for any further information and any questions that we have, can we set a firm deadline?
I'm going to suggest maybe a week from now. Is a week from today too long or too short to have your questions in to the clerk so that they can send them to TikTok?