I would not support that.
I understand the intent behind the proposal. I think it's well-intentioned, and I considered it seriously, but I think it would have adverse effects that may not be what is intended.
The reality is that we need a privacy law that protects children by default. It shouldn't be the responsibility of a parent. There are mixed harms and benefits with these technologies, and I don't believe that parents or older generations are the ones who are always the best at navigating these technologies. I've seen lots of surveys from within the Privy Council Office itself that show young people are the ones who use these technologies; 30% of teens get their news from TikTok, and a lot of older generations don't use them at all. One concern I would have is that I wouldn't feel comfortable entrusting that responsibility to all parents, but that's just my personal view.
What I would say, though, is that I do believe children should be explicitly referenced as a vulnerable population within Bill C-27. I think it's unacceptable that children and youth, in particular, have been removed from Bill C-27 and are omitted. That was a deliberate intent by the Ministry of Industry. I have an internal brief that talks about the reasons behind that, and I'd be happy to share that with you.