--which is, I think, good progress. The next stage, though--that is, in science and technology, if you like, generating the information--is critical. The issue, to some extent, is then making sure this information translates both for social good, in terms of how we change the health system, etc., and also in terms of industrial good or commercial opportunities.
There, in terms of, say, the biotech sectors, we're doing reasonably well. In terms of the number of companies in Canada, we're again at about fourth or fifth in the world. The problem is that we don't have very many large ones. So we have a lot of very small biotech companies in Canada, and I think the challenge we have around competitiveness is making sure that we have the intellectual property and the business environment to allow that to grow.
So we have good investment, if you like, in terms of the science, and I think we can show progress there. We have good investment in terms of the number of companies. I think to move those companies up to the level of a Genentech, as I mentioned, is something that would really be very exciting for us in Canada, if we could.