Good morning, Mr. Chairman and committee members. Thank you for the opportunity to make a presentation on behalf of the Canada West Equipment Dealers Association.
Our trade association represents 400 equipment dealers in western Canada. We're primarily rural-based, and in a lot of situations our dealer members are the largest employers in the community. We are one of 18 organizations that comprise the North American Equipment Dealers Association. On behalf of our dealer members, I am pleased to make this submission to the Standing Committee on Finance as it considers Canada's place in a competitive world.
Our dealer members retail equipment that is primarily used in agricultural and farming practices. Our members are sensitive to the changing needs and demographics of farmers. We have seen many technological advances in the equipment that is offered for sale. As members of the committee know, farming today is vastly different from thirty, twenty, and even ten years ago. However, government policy affecting our industry has not moved as fast. Therefore, we recommend that consideration be given to the following measures aimed at helping Canadian businesses grow and flourish.
We request that the capital cost allowance schedule be increased to 40% in the first year, from the current 30%, for investments in new agricultural equipment. The current marketplace sees quicker turnover of equipment, and the current rate of 30% is not reflective of today's environment. Currently, the 40% CCA is provided to heavy trucks, and the same ratio should be put in place for agricultural equipment.
Furthermore, there have been recent initiatives in the United States that have seen rapid acceleration of the depreciation schedule. There is a new initiative, led by the North American Equipment Dealers Association, to have agricultural equipment fully depreciated after a five-year period, as opposed to the current seven years, and there has been a receptive ear to this message in Washington. Such a change in Canada would see all sectors in the agricultural equipment market benefit—the manufacturer, dealer, and customer. The major benefactors of this change would be our farmer-customers. Today's farmer and the innovative farmer of the future are trading in their equipment at a faster rate than in the past, and an increase in the depreciation rate is warranted to reflect the current purchasing pattern.
Earlier I stated that our government taxation policy has not moved as fast as the changes in our industry. Current CCA rates provide us with a great example that this statement is true. According to CCA guidelines, harnesses and sleighs have the same depreciation rate as a $300,000 combine—and in your packages, I have given you a little visual to prove the point. We encourage the committee to bring the CCA rates for our industry out of the stone age and make them as up to date as their state-of-the-art tractors and combines.
We believe an increase in the CCA rate to 40% will result in farmers reinvesting in their equipment quicker and faster. This benefits the manufacturer, the dealer and the customer, but also the environment, as more and more of the efficient and sophisticated equipment enters the market and replaces older and inefficient technology.
We also support an increase to the small business deduction, as we feel it is not current with today's needs and demands of business. Not only benefiting our industry, it affects all small business, and a significant increase in the SBD is overdue to ensure that taxation levels keep current with the growth in the economy.
Our industry is facing severe employment challenges. We encourage the facilitation of an investment tax credit to assist with the burden of training employees. This would assist our members in upgrading the skills and capabilities of our workers who are counted upon to service the new and innovative equipment that is offered for sale.
Enacting a provision of tax credits to journeymen technicians for the purchase of the tools that are essential for their employment is our final recommendation. Currently in place only for apprentice technicians, the same benefit should be extended to all technicians who require constant upgrading of their tools to perform repairs on new and innovative equipment. Although there was merit at the time in providing tax credits for tools for apprentices, we feel the time is now to extend this benefit to all technicians.
In closing, I would like to add that we have discussed these provisions with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers in Canada, as well as the Canada East Equipment Dealers Association, and they support our proposals in this submission. Each of these issues has been addressed through resolutions that passed unanimously at our annual general meeting.
I would like to thank the committee for the opportunity to make this presentation on behalf of our equipment dealer members. Thank you.