Thank you.
Good morning, everyone. Thank you very much for inviting us to speak with you this morning.
The Green Budget Coalition, as you likely know, includes twenty of Canada's leading conservation and environmental organizations, which collectively represent over 500,000 individual Canadians as members, supporters, and volunteers, from the hunters of Ducks Unlimited to the maybe more radical tree climbers of Greenpeace.
The Green Budget Coalition believes Canada's future prosperity depends on the effective integration of environmental, economic, and human health objectives, and advocates the internalization of social and environmental costs into market prices through revenue-neutral fiscal reform.
I have two focuses this morning--to highlight our five priority recommendations for the 2007 budget and to discuss our overriding long-term recommendations for Canadian fiscal policy. But before proceeding, I do want to thank the government and some of the opposition parties for the importance you've been putting on the environment in recent months, and we expect in the coming months. Thank you very much.
The five key recommendations we have prioritized as the foremost budgetary opportunities to advance environmental sustainability in Canada while stimulating economic growth and protecting Canadians' health were detailed to a greater level in the brief we submitted. They include the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency; the Mackenzie Valley; strengthening the Species at Risk Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act; and levelling the playing field between the oil sands and other energy sources.
I want to highlight that a substantial investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency could accelerate growth in both the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, and that this is possibly the most effective way of cleaning Canada's air, protecting the health of Canadians, and meeting our climate change responsibilities. Energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources will reduce air emissions, have water and land use benefits, improve energy security and local control, provide employment and economic opportunities in all parts of the country, and prepare businesses and consumers for the inevitable transition away from fossil fuels.
Three ideal opportunities in this area for the 2007 budget include increased renewable energy production incentives, additional transfers to provinces and municipalities for investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, and continued support for building its retrofit program.
Looking further ahead, Canada's major conservation and environmental groups are unified in believing that our economy could nurture greater health and prosperity for ourselves, for our children, and for the environment if it better incorporated the value of our limited natural resources, of nature's capacity for waste absorption, and of the health impacts of pollution.
Øystein Dahle, the former Exxon vice-president for Norway and the North Sea, stated the following:
Socialism collapsed because it did not allow prices to tell the economic truth. Capitalism may collapse because it does not allow prices to tell the ecological truth.
Any economist will agree that two major weaknesses in economics are that neither the value of natural resources nor the value of nature's role in waste absorption are in any way effectively incorporated into prices. If our children and grandchildren had a chance to bid on the oil and natural gas we are burning up every day, they would likely pay much more for it.
On the tail ends, on waste, we have taken the absorptive capacity of air, water, and soil for granted for many centuries. We depend on it for everything we do, from breathing to driving our cars to running our businesses. But changes to our global climate as well as increases in sicknesses amongst our families and friends, such as skyrocketing levels of asthma, suggest that we have reached the levels at which we can no longer pollute with no consequence.
The Green Budget Coalition strongly recommends that we increase levies on activities that damage society, such as pollution and waste, and decrease levies simultaneously on activities that benefit society, such as jobs, employment, profits, savings, and the preservation of Canada's natural capital, which Canada's farmers do very effectively day after day.
This approach could be implemented through a mix of market-based instruments, such as taxes, fees, rebates, credits, and tradeable permits, and implemented in a revenue-neutral manner. These policies reward environmental leaders amongst businesses and citizens, penalize environmental laggards, stimulate environmental innovations with global export potential, and expedite the development of economies where economic success brings concurrent environmental and human health benefits.
We would also encourage the government to develop a means of measuring the degree to which the value of natural resources and the impact of pollution and waste are incorporated into the price of goods and services throughout the manufacturing cycle, and then strive for continuous improvement in this measure.