Sure. It is a big question.
We don't think that across-the-board corporate tax cuts make sense, because as you point out, although corporate tax rates vary, the total cost of doing business in Canada--according to the KPMG study--is lower than other G-7 nations. We're not necessarily opposed to targeted corporate tax cuts if they're tied to performance.
One of the things that disturbs us as representatives of the employees of many of these companies is that we haven't seen the kind of investing in training, capital equipment, research and development, or in innovation that we would like. I think what we're primarily interested in is a set of public policy initiatives that will shape that behaviour. We think it's probably best implemented on a sectoral basis. For example, in the steel industry, there's a fledgling group called the Canadian Steel Partnership Council, which is made up of representatives from academia, labour, and steel. They're coming together to try to identify specific public policy requests, whether it's trade, or accelerated capital cost allowance for business to help them invest, better training, maybe tax benefits for training, or improvements to employment insurance that will allow people to collect the benefits while they're being trained.
The idea is to come up with a partnership approach to allow Canadian businesses to compete internationally in a way that enables them to provide good jobs here at home.