I doubt that we will simplify the process if we add another player. In any case, I wish you the best of luck, because I realize how difficult it is.
I have a question now for Mr. Szmurlo from Enbridge Inc.
You referred to two programs that have been abolished: the Wind Power Production Incentive, or WPPI, and the Renewable Power Production Incentive, or RPPI.
When were they abolished and by which government?
You go on to say this:
Should the government decide to introduce tax-based fiscal incentives for WPPI and alternative energy technologies, rather than the contribution-based incentives offered in the past, it would be important to ensure the incentives are not dependent on the taxation status of the investors.
I certainly understand what you mean; in other words, rather than providing cash contributions, people would be given a tax credit. But what does that have to do with the taxation status of the investors?
You then conclude by saying:
Refundability of earned tax credits, which are provided to some tax incentives for research and development, would resolve that shortcoming.
A number of organizations have come here to complain about the fact that tax incentives for research and development are not refundable. Can you tell me what exactly you're referring to here?