Very well. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I want to thank the Standing Committee on Finance for having invited the CSN to express its views.
The CSN is a union representing 300,000 members located throughout Quebec and Canada, working in most economic sectors.
It should be said that Canada's economic situation has been very positive since the mid-1980s. The IMF estimated that for the period between 1998 and 2007 Canada would have the highest economic growth of all G7 countries. This is due to increases in consumer spending, corporate investment and real GDP per capita, which is once again the best amongst G7 countries. There has been a decrease in unemployment and increase in the average job growth rate. Here again, we have shown the best performance of all G7 countries. Finally, inflation remains relatively stable.
Nevertheless, despite a good performance Canada-wide, it must be said that there are significant variations in economic performance from one province to the next leading to glaring inequality. Some regions are experiencing significant hardship.
With respect to the fiscal imbalance, we cannot forget Prime Minister Harper's commitment. In fact, in Quebec City, during the last election campaign, the Prime Minister undertook to correct the fiscal imbalance, which he then reiterated in the throne speech and in the 2006-07 budget. Unfortunately, things have been very slow to progress.
The fiscal imbalance is reflected in various ways. First, federal transfers to the provinces, which stood at over 23% in 1993-1994 totalled only 18% of revenues for 2005-06. Despite health care re-investments, federal transfer payments to the provinces only amount to 23% of revenue, which does not meet the targets set out by the Romanow report.
Federal transfers in the field of post-secondary education, social assistance and other social programs today represent only 11.5% of provincial expenditures, a far cry from the peaks of the mid-1990s.
Mr. Godbout spoke quite eloquently on the issue of social assistance. Currently, in Quebec, federal transfers for social assistance amount to $2,846 per claimant, whereas in Alberta they amount to $9,422 per claimant. That is both unfair and harmful.
The federal government has cut back in other areas, despite the fact that it has money. We need only consider the numerous encroachment on provincial areas of jurisdiction in the areas of health and education, where the federal government spends heavily.
The CSN believes that the fiscal imbalance needs to be addressed. The ideal solution would be tax transfers to the provinces. Otherwise, there would need to be a considerable increase in financial transfers to the provinces, with respect for provincial areas of jurisdiction. There is near consensus in Canada on the size of the fiscal imbalance. The Council of the federation assessed it at $9.5 billion, representing $3.4 billion for Quebec. This is a far cry from the $20 billion mentioned by Prime Minister Harper to explain why he considers the provinces' requests to be excessive.
The $3.4 billion figure is fitting given the size of the budget surplus noted over a number of years. It is also compatible with the Bloc Québécois' demand. The Bloc assesses the fiscal imbalance at $3.9 billion: $1.2 billion for post-secondary education, $2.1 billion for equalization, $400,000 million for health care in order to reach the 25% set out by the Romanow report, which, I might add, has already been achieved in the past, and $270 million to offset the day care services shortfall.
We believe that the Government of Canada must act in its next budget to correct the fiscal imbalance, and Quebec cannot demand any less than $3.9 billion.
I'd quickly like to address a few other points. With respect to employment insurance, the year 2005-06 showed an astronomical surplus. The program needs to be enhanced by lowering the eligibility threshold, and increasing benefit rates and benefit periods. But mainly, an independent non-government fund must be created, as supported by the Conservative Party in the past, which voted in favour of Bill C-280, introduced by the Bloc Québécois in 2005, if I'm not mistaken.
The government must also vigorously support the sectors which are struggling, by allowing them to develop recovery and restructuring plans. On that front, what the government implemented and announced to help senior workers in insufficient. Income support measures and assistance programs for the most vulnerable workers need to be developed to help those who will unfortunately not be finding other work, despite the possible corporate recovery and restructuring.