Thank you very much. Good morning. It's my great pleasure to have the opportunity to speak to you today.
I work with Vengrowth Private Equity Partners, and I'm going to be speaking to you this morning about Canada's supply of venture capital. By way of background, Vengrowth is Ontario's largest venture capital firm. Since 1982, we've invested over $1.1 billion in 180 small and medium-sized Canadian businesses. The funds we manage have been raised from over 180,000 individual investors as well as from institutions such as banks and pension funds.
Venture capital is the financing entrepreneurs use to turn ideas into businesses. Companies need venture capital to conduct R and D, build new products, and ramp up sales. Venture capital is particularly critical to start-up companies in the high-tech and life sciences sector, which require on average over $50 million apiece before they reach profitability. With sufficient access to capital, these types of companies have the potential to grow into giants, employ thousands of people, and serve as the economic development engines for their regions.
Most of Canada's leading young companies were funded with venture capital, including Research in Motion, Tundra Semiconductor, and Angiotech Pharmaceuticals. Disruptive technologies are continually being generated and commercialized in start-up companies. In the U.S., firms such as Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, and Amgen, which were born within the last generation, are now on a list of the world's fifty most valuable companies and they employ thousands of people. If they had not been able to raise venture capital at their formative stages, they would not exist today, and if Canada wants to grow companies like these, we need a stable supply of venture capital.
However, the supply of venture capital is highly cyclical, generally following the technology markets. When the tech sector is hot, as was the case in the late 1990s, the supply of venture capital naturally expands. But when returns from technology investing are weak, as has been the case since 2001, the supply of venture capital contracts.
In Canada, that contraction has been very significant, and a lack of early-stage capital has become a crisis in Ontario. I'm going to give you some numbers. First-time venture financings in Ontario totalled $440 million in 2001. This declined to about $260 million in 2003 and collapsed to $130 million in 2005, and it looks as if that decline is continuing in 2006. Historically, Ontario has trailed jurisdictions like California, Massachusetts, Texas, and New York in venture capital investment, but through the first half of 2006, Ontario also fell behind second-tier states like Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington, and Maryland, and historically we've been far ahead of them.
If this trend does not reverse quickly, Ontario will simply cease to be a place where entrepreneurs can set up shop.
What can the federal government do to help? Currently, the federal government supports venture capital through the labour-sponsored venture capital program or LSVCC, as well as through the Business Development Bank. As other sources of venture capital contract, the government should look carefully at ways to deliver more capital through these programs.
LSVCCs have been essential to Canada's entrepreneurs. Since 2002, they have supplied almost 30% of all of Canada's venture capital, more than any other source. For the youngest companies raising venture capital for the first time, LSVCCs have provided 40% of the money. This has enabled hundreds of young companies to ramp up their operations, creating thousands of high-paying jobs in cutting-edge sectors. The program is a uniquely successful partnership between the federal government, the provinces, and hundreds of thousands of individual investors, including over 500,000 people in Ontario and over 600,000 Quebeckers.
The financial security of all these individuals is tied to the success of the LSVCC program. The federal government can help the program to continue to prosper by enabling LSVCCs to raise more money. This can be achieved by raising the maximum annual investment in LSVCCs from $5,000 per year to $15,000. The cost to the federal treasury should be modest. A 2002 study shows the payback period to the federal government for its contribution to the program is only thirteen months.
Apart from helping LSVCCs and maintaining support for the Business Development Bank, the federal government can do many other things to help our young companies to succeed, and they're outlined in more detail in my written submission.
Enabling the growth and development of innovative companies must be one of our most important economic goals. A large and stable pool of venture capital is essential to achieving this goal, and I hope you will find our submission to be of assistance in formulating policies that will help our entrepreneurs access the capital they need to succeed.
Thank you.