Because of the very broad range of information that the act makes it possible for us to receive from reporting entities, it was determined at the original passage of the legislation that protections had to be built, so it would not be construed that there was a flow-through of massive amounts of personal information directed to law enforcement agencies. For that purpose, FINTRAC was created as a sort of intervening analytic body, and its responsibility is to analyze the information and make disclosures.
We are also allowed to receive voluntary information from any quarter, including from law enforcement. We are required to operate at arm's length from law enforcement, so that they cannot query us directly and say, please give us everything you have on Joe Blow. But they do provide voluntary information to us, saying, “Joe Blow and his sister-in-law Martha are the subjects of an investigation for drug trafficking and money laundering, and we just thought you should know that.”
This information is then part of the information holding, against which we analyze and check all our data. If there is a connection or a hit, that would then trigger a further investigation to determine whether the information we have is relevant to their investigation, in which case we are then required to disclose certain identifying information about transactions, parties to the transactions, and so on.
So it's not actually fully random, but we cannot be directed by law enforcement agencies, yet we are kept informed by law enforcement agencies and other bodies. We receive in the neighbourhood of 600 voluntary information reports per year from a variety of sources, and probably 70, 80, or maybe 100 of those ultimately figure into the disclosures we make.
Not all of the voluntary information that comes to us is relevant to the information we hold, or we're not able to make a connection with it, or we don't hold the information on it.
We can also disclose spontaneously. We don't need to rely on voluntary information from any other source, but we do receive voluntary information, and it often figures in our cases. So we are able to make disclosures that link to the investigative priorities of the police.