Thank you.
I'd love to debate that, but I'll give my presentation.
I'm a 63-year-old retired scientist and small businessman. We lost $70,000 on November 1. We had $7,000 less income this year. Even worse, double taxation at lower yields will plunge our retirement income from $60,000 to $30,000 a year. Like millions of Canadians caught in this mess, we'll not be spending our golden years in the lap of luxury.
Tax policy decisions must be based on numbers, not on lies or personal or political gain. I'm a numbers guy, and I decide using logic and verified facts. Given new information, I'm open to changing my mind.
I'm upset by the lack of logic and honesty that the Tories and the NDP have displayed on this issue. We all know the Tory objective is to double-tax income trust distributions in retirement accounts in order to kill income trusts. Their justification is contrived and wrong.
Is there tax leakage? There is none. Is there reduced productivity and competitiveness? No. If other business structures can't compete, boo hoo. Is there unfair tax collection from citizens? No way. Is trust accounting worse than corporate accounting? No way. Do these answers logically justify this proposal? No. Are those even the right questions? No.
The right question that you should be debating is this: does killing income trusts benefit Canada? The clear answer is no.
Why this proposal, and who benefits? That answer is easy. It's thoughtless, unethical, power-seeking politicians and those who serve as the messengers, the fat cats. You know where I'm going. It's corporate executives at the top of the greed chain, the uber-rich and their private equity, those with fat defined benefit pensions, including politicized bureaucrats, and, of course, the self-promoters who we've heard far too much from already.
Who loses? It's the 70% of Canadians responsible for their own retirement, those with thinly defined benefit pensions and small businesses, the source of most Canadian jobs and productivity. Ultimately 95% of us will lose, as our wealth continues its shift to the uber-rich and to the south.
A wrong decision here mimics the Avro Arrow fiasco, which threw away an innovative Canadian product. Facts were deliberately destroyed, along with that superb machine. Political lies don't stand the test of time. Politicians again satisfied a greedy military industrial complex through the death of a strong Canadian aerospace industry. The Arrow died. Was it good for Canada? Hardly.
Canada has evolved an innovative business structure that democratizes our capital markets and helps citizens like me ensure their own retirement. I have seen no facts that show a need to kill income trusts. I see private equity already picking at the meat of our income trust bones.
To Jack Layton and Judy, my family helped found the CCF and supported the NDP for 67 years.
Judy, we met on January 29, and you'd shown me some courtesy and quit playing with your BlackBerry. You agreed to convince me of the logic of the current NDP position. I received nothing, nothing but babble about bank machines, and Ponzi schemes, and little Miss Urquhart all in a row.
Judy, Canadians think for themselves. You should try it. The NDP needs to rethink its position. This proposal targets hard-working Canadians for the benefit of all those fat cats. This is as clear a case of those fat cats eating the mice as this country has ever seen. Tommy Douglas is spinning in his grave to see NDPers like you acting like fat cats.
Don't listen to Manulife's Dominic D'Alessandro. His $75 million in stock and options gained $3.5 million on November 1. He'd personally pay millions more in taxes if Manulife was a trust. Mr. D is no mouse. He's about as concerned about Canadians as I am concerned about how he's going to manage to live on his obscene retirement pile.
Jack and Judy, are you worried about corporate accountability? I am too. I support a full public inquiry into this smelly proposal and into accounting, or I fully support grandfathering all existing trusts, without growth constraints, until the issue is honestly and fully studied.
Judy, you're running up the hill against the principles our party was based on. Get out of bed with the mouthpiece and give us back our party. The NDP does not have a choice.
Jack Layton, tear down the bill or the NDP will come tumbling down.
Thank you.